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Cache Control

By defaults httpx-cache caches every response that:

  • has a cacheable status_code in (200, 203, 300, 301, 308) (can be modified)
  • corresponding request has a cacheable method in ('GET',) (can be modified)
  • corresponding request has an absolute url

Enabling/Disabling cache can also be configured at the operation level using cache-control headers directives (

Disable Checking Cache

Disabling cache on a particular request can be achieved by setting either the cache-control: no-cache or cache-control: max-age=0 headers.

The no-cache request directive asks caches to validate the response with the origin server before reuse. no-cache allows clients to request the most up-to-date response even if the cache has a fresh response. Browsers usually add no-cache to requests when users are force reloading a page.

import httpx_cache

with httpx_cache.Client() as client:
  response1 = client.get("") # will be cached
  response2 = client.get("", headers={"cache-control": "no-cache"})
  # will NOT get it from cache, but it will make a new request that then will be re-cached again (refreched in the cache)

Disable Storing in Cache

Sometimes we want to make a request but not store a response in cache, so that we always get the freshest response. This can be achieved with cache-control: no-store header.

The no-store response/request directive indicates that any caches of any kind (private or shared) should not store this response.

NOTE: a no-store cache-control directive can also be set on the response headers by the server, in that case it will not be cached too.

import httpx_cache

with httpx_cache.Client() as client:
  response1 = client.get("", headers={"cache-control": "no-cache"}) # will not be stored in cache
  response2 = client.get("")
  # cache is empty since previous request was not stored, will make a new request.

Always Cache

In the case where we want to ignore the no-store directive in the response headers, we can set the parameter always_cache=True. This parameter can be set on the client or on the transport.

⚠ Note: Event when always_cache=True is set, the cache controller will still does the basic checks to make sure the response is cacheable, namely: status_code is cacheable, request method is cacheable, and request url is absolute.

Usage with client:

import httpx_cache

with httpx_cache.Client(always_cache=True) as client:
  response1 = client.get("", headers={"cache-control": "no-store"}) # will be stored in cache
  response2 = client.get("")
  # cache is not empty since previous request was stored, will NOT make a new request.

Usage with transport:

import httpx_cache

with httpx_cache.Client(transport=httpx_cache.CachedTransport(always_cache=True)) as client:
  response1 = client.get("", headers={"cache-control": "no-store"}) # will be stored in cache
  response2 = client.get("")
  # cache is not empty since previous request was stored, will NOT make a new request.

Cache Expiration

Max-Age Directive

Cache expiration can be controlled with the request (or response) max-age direvtive (directives found in a request take precedence over those in a response.)

The max-age=N request or response directive indicates that the client allows a stored response that is generated on the origin server within N seconds. Ff the response with cache-control: max-age=604800 was stored in caches 3 hours ago, httpx-cache couldn't reuse that response.

import httpx_cache
import time

with httpx_cache.Client() as client:
  response1 = client.get("") # store in cache at time T
  time.sleep(10) # sleep for 10s (T+10)
  response2 = client.get("", headers={"cache-control": "max-age=5"}) # response in cache has expried since T+5 < T+10
  # cached response will be deleted

Expires Header

In addition to the max-age directive, we can achieve the same effect with the expires header.

Use your own CacheController

To use your own cache controller with custom logic for when to cache a response, you can directly subclass httpx_cache.CacheController and httpx_cache.CacheControlTransport (or httpx_cache.AsyncCacheControlTransport):

import httpx
import httpx_cache

class MyCacheController(httpx_cache.CacheController):
  def is_response_cacheable(self, response: httpx.Response) -> bool:
    # always cache responses
    return True

class MyCacheControlTransport(httpx_cache.CacheControlTransport):
  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    self.cache_controller = MyCacheController()